Augmented Reality (AR) Technology in Digital Advertising

Çiğdem Dedeoğlu

Dreams come true are here!

We will go to different worlds together... Let's get started...


You've probably heard of Augmented Reality Technology, but it hasn't really entered our lives yet. Thanks to this technology in our new issue, we can experience this with audio and video immediately. E.g; We have added a huge QR code to the cover. Could you please take a break from my article here and have it read? Because you will see me there, I am happily explaining Turkey's brand ambassadors, the new technologies we have developed and our work in a television program I am a guest of. Shall we go back to our article again? We have added QR codes to almost many of our works. You can have an idea about our new projects.


Well done to my sons!

You know the brand ambassadors of Turkey very well, I am their mother.

I have dozens of children who introduce our traditions and customs in every corner of my country, protect our history, love themselves, create value, appreciate their surroundings and set an example for everyone. All of them continue to work for a strong Turkey by touching the lives of millions of people.


Every page of our newspaper is a new idea, a new world for you.

Heyyyyoooo! I'm very excited about what I have to say now. Would you like us to create a digital world for you, so you can impress everyone? Then scroll through the pages and find our digital buses and caravans. Have the QR codes next to them scanned, look inside, or find the emptiness ritual. Would you like to stay in a carefree space like broccoli? Then put on your augmented glasses… I'll give you glasses in the next issue. For now, we can continue to review our other work with digital screens.


An award-winning team…

Me, my team, my children all over Turkey are lovers of the environment. We would like to pass on our sensitivity and knowledge on this matter to you. For this, we have undertaken environmental activities for many private brands that I consult, and we have undertaken tasks related to the protection of the lives of all living things in nature. We started a similar work with you years ago under the leadership of our brand ambassadors, our heroes have helped many people form valuable habits and continue to do so.


It's all here!

Talking audio and animated books, brand new filters, augmented reality technologies, new media arts, digital labels, brand ambassadors, social responsibility projects, QR codes and Turkey's lovers brand ambassadors stay with us.

Augmented Reality (AR) Technology in Digital Advertising
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